Saturday, September 22, 2012

Beautiful Saturday

Sebelum hari ini I was planning to post a blog with the caption:"PEOPLE SHOULD STOP PISSING ME OFF!" Why? Well to be honest, cause I'm angry, pissed to be exact. Bete aja rasanya. Nothing goes right. My school sucks. Semua nilai gw lagi "free fall" menuju entah kemana. GALAU tingkat dewa about uni and stuff, dan keluarga gue yang marah-marah melulu. Not to mention, diet gw yang gagal even before it start, BB who decided to switch to self-destruct mode, and A WEEK FILLED WITH EXAMS AWAITS ME. Rasanya tuh kalau nga marah-marah kurang komplit aja.

So I was left alone today, which sucks, because I've got nothing to do. Well, banyak sih sebenernya yang harus gue kerjain cuman I just don't have the heart to do it...yet. Jadi dari tadi pagi, gue bangun  tidur, dimarah-marahin, pergi makan, pulang,dimarah-marahin lagi, latian piano, nonton "UP" bareng (ade gue yang super cute tapi nyebelinnya juga nga tanggung-tanggung),again dimarahin lagi, shower, etc, and nothing.

Just a normal saturday doing nothing. I don't know about you, tapi this sucks so bad. I hate not doing anyhting, tapi gw juga males dan nga tau mau ngapain. So I spent about 3 hours (?) just listening to John Mayer new album (Highly recommended btw) and watch the last episode of Vampire Diaries 3. Trus....nothing. Uda mati gaya sampe bener-bener nga ngapa-ngapain. Then an idea pops into my head: baca blog manusia-manusia yang uda lama gue nga baca.

Gue mulai baca blog ervan (, blog dinda (, dan kak atha's blog ( I LOVE reading their blog, cause it's all so random. Plus, it's better than doing nothing at all, right?

Setelah baca blognya mereka, I feel happy. Mungkin emang agak aneh tapi I feel better. Rasa bete uda mulai menghilang and I feel like blogging. (okay that last part was kinda weird). Tapi it made me realize that life is actually good even with those unwanted sparks.

Life is about messing up a perfectly good condition and fixing it. Life is about (partly) being depressed and get right back on our feet. Life is about being happy, feeling everything. Life is about music, travel, and love and a whole lot of other stuff.

Reading their blogs reminds me that all of us have problems of our own and seeing that they conquer their problem, gives me hope that I'll do too. Meskipun hari ini didn't start good dan belom juga selesai, I'm glad that today happen. Who knows what will happen next?

Kemaren ada sesuatu hal yang aneh tapi fun happened. One of my friend, dia "ngeramal" kemungkinan my other friend dapetin cewe yang dia suka. In his prediction, he says: "Kemungkinan lo dapet si cewe itu cuman sekali dan nga lama." dan tiba-tiba gue ngomong: "Well, if that's the case, then you might as well enjoy the ride." which is surprisingly not a bad advice. I've had my time being pissed.Capek marah-marah, capek bete, dan capek juga ngambek dirumah. My life might be a mess right now, so what? Happiness depends on me. Gue yang bisa buat gue bahagia. Not my friends, not my family, but me. So I'm going to take my own advice and enjoy the ride. Let's see what tomorrow brings :)

Finally chilling out,

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