Thursday, August 1, 2013

Late Night Post...well almost midnight

Hey there readers, imaginary and non-imaginary

So here I am all alone in the middle of the night trying to patiently wait for a movie buffer, which takes ages. fckyouslowinternet. And what better way to spent it than create a rambling right here, right now.

Let me describe the scenery at the moment:
The night was cold and it was lonely. The other souls that live in this house is basically asleep unlike me. God help my sleepless soul. I had my warm milo next to me, sitting in a really comfy chair, and had my hands on the keyboards. I had my cousin's dog, which smells bad because no one is giving him the shower he needed, oh and who is also asleep. However, all this has zero relation as to what I am about to say next.

I miss my sister. and I miss my brother.

Why this sudden feeling? It's because I really do miss them. Long story short, I haven't been living in my home for almost a month now. I've moved from place to place, mostly my cousins house (and don't worry, I'm not homeless) because I am doing a house-sitting. For those of you who do not know what a house-sitting is, it is like baby-sitting, but with a house.

I have not since them ever since and it just made me realize how I much they actually matters to me. I thank God that this time, I realize that before it is too late. You know how the saying goes: you don't know what you have until it's gone. I'm guilty as well cause there are times when I let the good things go just because I thought that there would be something better for me, but sometimes, you just have to believe that what you have is the best. Sometimes you gotta get rid of that thought that there is something better out there, or I am missing out from the world, or any common non-sense like that.

Sometimes, my dear friend, you have to stop and just appreciate what you have right now.

Pretty deep, don't know how I reach to that point but for what is worth, really do appreciate what you have, especially people who didn't take you for granted.

Adios for now!!

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