Sunday, July 3, 2011

Lost Touch

Word of the day: lost touch.

Definition: it's something you say when you have no more connection toward it. It's the disconnection from someone toward somebody else or something. 

Why I remember this word?
Because it appear to me that I have lost touch of something that has been a part of me. 

The effect:  it really create this hole in me.

Truth: it feels like I had just been into a terrible accident I lost my memory. I know that something is missing but I don't know how to gain it back. 

Is it sad?
More than I could explain...

Is it bad?
I can barely survive the thought of it...

Is it the end?
I just hope that it wouldn't have to end that way...

It's like losing a part of you and you found yourself being lost in the middle of no where. Like all cases of amnesia, no one knows when those missing part will be back, or will ever be back but I want it to be back, so that I won't be lost like I am now. So that I could have those ability to do what I like.

 picture taken from tumblr

I am going away for a couple of days. Away from people, away from here to clear my thoughts, to reflect my life, and to hope that everything's going to be okay. 

Catching my breath,


  1. I suspect this has to do with TK-SD Santo Yoseph Angkatan '95 no? haha..
    off-topic: btw seeing Indonesian mixed up here and there (i.e 'mengenai saya' 'lihat profil lengkapku' 'diposkan oleh littlethings' etc) feels funny..

  2. UMMM not really, there's just a lot of things going on in my life so yea...i really need a break. and yes, I haven't found ways to set everything in english. im so gaptek deh.. -_____-"
    haha thanks!
